The English neurosurgeon, who has spent his life operating other people’s brain tumors, now faces his own cancer. He talks about it in his new book, ‘And Finally: Matters of Life and Death’
Due to permissive regulations and to the widespread idea that this practice helps to reduce smoking, the consumption of electronic cigarettes has skyrocketed among young people
Preliminary results for the pharmaceutical revumenib suggest that it may have saved lives of terminal patients, including the young architect Algimante Daugelaite
There are no silver bullets or magic pills. Experts point out that quitting smoking requires high motivation, professional monitoring and even pharmacological help
Although many women gain weight at this stage of life, this usually has more to do with physical activity, emotional state and lifestyle than with the condition itself
A new study highlights the role of high-intensity aerobic activity in preventing the appearance of metastases; still, experts warn that it should not be considered a substitute for other treatments
A new book delves into the story of Yvonne Barr, an Irish-born scientist who co-discovered the Epstein-Barr Virus, which increases the risk of developing several types of cancer