
Ukrainian President Zelenskiy seeks more support to fight Russia at NATO defense ministers meeting

His presence underscored growing concerns about cracks in international backing for Kyiv against Russia’s invasion, and worries that Ukrainian forces haven’t made measurable progress as winter closes in

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, left, walks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. 

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, left, walks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. Associated Press/LaPresse Only Italy and SpainAssociated Press/LaPresse (APN)

For the first time, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy joined a meeting of more than 50 defense leaders from around the world Wednesday to make a personal pitch for military aid, in the face of lagging political support in the U.S. and new pressure on allies to send weapons to bolster Israel’s war with Hamas.

His presence underscored growing concerns about cracks in what has been staunch international backing for Kyiv in its war against Russia’s invasion, and worries that Ukrainian forces haven’t made measurable progress in the counteroffensive as winter closes in.

Asked about concerns that Ukraine could get less military support because of the war in Israel, Zelenskiy said there is a “very understandable volume” that the U.S. and Europe can provide. He said he has asked that question himself, and added he thinks nobody really knows but that he is still assuming U.S. and European support. As for the Israel complication, “of course, everybody’s afraid, and I think also Russia’s counting on it, on dividing support,” he added, in remarks at a press conference with Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo.”

“Next Monday, we will mark the 600th day of our resistance to Russia’s full scale aggression against our people, against Ukraine. And today, no one can say for sure how many more days we will have to defend our independence and to defend our identity,” Zelenskiy told the gathering at the opening of the meeting. “But we can already say several things which I think are important. First, Putin will not achieve Ukraine. Second, Russia cannot afford a new arms race. And third, democracy can win this battle.”

The meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, hosted by the U.S., comes as Ukraine is desperately seeking more weapons to help its troops regain ground from Russian forces before the muddy weather sets in. But political chaos in Congress has stalled approval of new Ukraine funding, and there has been growing opposition among some lawmakers to any increase in spending.

Speaking as he entered NATO headquarters, Zelenskiy noted the Israel war, and said Ukrainians understand such tragedy. But he was also quick to detail Ukraine’s ongoing need for air defense systems and long-range missiles “to push Russia out of our land.”

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters traveling with him to Brussels that support for Ukraine continues unabated. He said a number of allies will announce they are sending additional weapons and other support to Kyiv. A key demand has been more air defense systems and munitions. “The energy, in my view, is still there,” said Austin. “And I will reassure them that we remain committed to this.”

He echoed those thoughts as he opened the meeting, asserting that Ukraine is making steady progress in the war. And he said allies during this meeting would focus not only on meeting Kyiv’s immediate needs but also on setting up plans to coordinate investments in Ukraine’s future force.

The contact group is the main forum for raising contributions of weapons, equipment and training for Kyiv’s war effort. It meets about once a month, in person and virtually, and this is the 16th gathering.

Zelenskiy, who was greeted with applause as he entered the building, went immediately into a private session with Austin and U.S. Air Force Gen. CQ Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Speaking to reporters as he came in, Zelenskiy reiterated his country’s need for long-range missiles and ammunition. “It’s very important that there are priorities. There are air defense systems. These are not just basic words. These are very concrete things and we need them,” Zelenskiy said.

Following that meeting, the 31 allies and Ukraine will take part in the first NATO-Ukraine Council at this level. The forum was formally established in July as part of efforts to bring Kyiv closer to the alliance. It allows NATO and Kyiv to discuss issues of common interest and concern.

The new package of U.S. aid includes AIM-9M missiles that Austin said will be used with a new surface-to-air missile defense system that the U.S. will soon deliver to Ukraine. In addition, it will provide counter-drone systems, munitions for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), artillery, electronic warfare equipment, demolition munitions, anti-armor systems and more than 16 million rounds of small arms ammunition. The weapons are provided under presidential drawdown authority, so will be taken from Pentagon stocks and delivered quickly to the battlefield.

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