
Bitcoin, a boat and book royalties: What assets do Spain’s top politicians hold?

Newly elected lawmakers, including Pedro Sánchez, astronaut Pedro Duque and far-right Vox leader Santiago Abascal, have submitted their financial holdings – and there are some interesting findings

(l-r) Science Minister Pedro Duque, Popular Party deputy Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, Podemos secretary Alberto Rodríguez and Vox leader Santiago Abascal.
(l-r) Science Minister Pedro Duque, Popular Party deputy Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, Podemos secretary Alberto Rodríguez and Vox leader Santiago Abascal.

Spain’s lower house of parliament, Congress, on Thursday published the asset declarations of lawmakers voted in at the April 28 general election. The statements include detailed information on the income, assets and debt of the public officials. Eleven deputies failed to submit their information in time for it to be published on the Congress webpage, including Marcos de Quinto from the center-right Ciudadanos (Citizens), who has more than €50 million in assets, according to his party.

Here are the figures of government members and some of Spain’s top lawmakers.


Calvo declared she made €66,291 in 2018. The acting justice minister has three apartments, a garage, €61,524 in her bank account, two pension plans worth €100,000 and owes Santander Bank €127,517.

Deputy prime minister€36,045
Professor of constitutional law at the University of Córdoba (earned in 2018)€29,906
University of Valencia€340
Two apartments (Córdoba and Madrid), a garage (Córdoba) and a house (Cabra, Córdoba)
Bank deposit€61,524
Pension plans and life insurance€81,474
Mortgage (amount remaining)€127,517


The acting interior minister has €400,000 in his bank account for selling a property in 2018. He has declared that he will reinvest the money before October 2020.

Remuneration as magistrate with three-year period (January to May 2018)€45,598
Remuneration as interior minister with three-year period€55,398
House in Madrid
Bank deposit€400,000
Iberdrola shares (5,000) and Telefónica shares (5,000)€10,000
BMW X3 (2015) and a Mini Cooper (2017)


The acting justice minister declared her income as a public prosecutor of Spain’s High Court, the Audiencia Nacional, and as a member of government, which totals €64,479. Delgado also declared two apartments in Madrid and one in Huesca, two bank accounts with €89,500, a mortgage of €477,000 and a VW Golf car made in 2000.

Salary as prosecutor (January-June 2018)€33,052
Salary as minister (July-December 2018)€31,427
Two homes in Madrid (50%) and an apartment Huesca (50%)
Bank deposit€81,000
25% stake in L. Finca Sahona€1,000
Volkswagen Golf (2000)
Caixabank mortgage (amount remaining)€477,000

PEDRO DUQUE: €1 million in shares and a boat

The minister of science and former astronaut made €88,872 in 2018. He has a flat and a house in Alicante, another home in Madrid and €316,712 in his bank account. Duque also manages a shares and funds portfolio worth €952,778, and owns a car and a boat.

Minister salary€40,562
Associate professor in the Technical University of Madrid€2,246
Account yields and capital gains€33,519
Rental income€4,000
Two homes (one with a garage, inherited) in Alicante and another in Madrid
Saving accounts, deposits and financial accounts€316,712
Shares portfolio
Funds portfolio
Copenhague Gestores de Inmuebles SL
Astrocamp Ventures SL
A boat and a car

ALBERTO RODRÍGUEZ: Only €22,694 in savings

The new secretary of the anti-austerity party Podemos has not declared any income and stated that he only has €22,694 in his savings account.

CAYETANA ÁLVAREZ DE TOLEDO: Homes in Madrid, France and Argentina

The Barcelona deputy from the PP made €50,966 for her work in media. She has an apartment in Madrid, one in France and another in Argentina, as well as a country home in Toledo. In her bank account, she has €397,244. She owns shares in Libertad Digital and a Polo car (2014).

PABLO ECHENIQUE: €4,000 in cryptocurrency

The former secretary of Podemos only declared his income from the party, which is close to €48,000 and a loan of €3,569 from the Dependence Law. He owns a flat in Zaragoza and has €44,859 in the bank and and €4,019 in litecoins and bitcoins.

PEDRO SÁNCHEZ: €16,666 for book royalties

Acting Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, of the Socialist Party (PSOE), made €96,391 in 2018. Of that amount, €16,666 was earned from the author rights to his book Manual de Supervivencia (or, Survival Guide). He owns two homes and two garages in Madrid with his wife, and has €40,470 in the bank and a pension plan of €104,091. He is still to pay off a mortgage worth €90,530.

PSOE secretary general (January-May 2018)€30,261
Prime minister (June-December 2018)€35,299
Property lease€13,871
Book royalties€16,666
Two homes (one 50% owned) and two parking spots (one 50% owned)
Bank deposit/ Pension plan€40,470
Stocks (from April 2018)€5,856
Mortgage (amount remaining)€90,530

ALBERT RIVERA: €300,000 owing on mortgage

The leader of Ciudadanos owes €300,000 from two mortgages taken out in 2004 and 2008, with a value of more than €471,500. Rivera has two homes in Barcelona (50% owned), and made almost €90,000 as a deputy in Congress and the leader of his party.

Ciudadanos leader€48,000
Interest on savings account€2
Rental income€573
Two homes with parking (50%) in Barcelona
Bank savings€4,500
Volkswagen Golf
Home mortgage€83,900

SANTIAGO ABASCAL: €55,000 from Vox and a Jeep Commander

The leader of the far-right Vox group declared that his main source of income comes from his party. Abascal received €55,149 for leading the party in 2018. He also has €13,356 in a savings account, an off-road Jeep Commander and a BMW motorbike. And he owes Bankia €13,500 for two personal loans.

Employed on behalf of Vox as the party leader€55,148
Savings account€13,356
Jeep Commander and BMW R80RT motorbike
Bankia loan€12,331

PABLO CASADO: €1,700 for presentations

The leader of the Popular Party (PP) declared that he was given a salary of €47,720 in 2018 by the party. He also made €1,700 for a presentation and €476 for share yield. He has €18,923 in stocks, a home and garage in Madrid, €30,831 in the bank, and a mortgage of €234,682.

Popular Party€47,720
Courses, presentations and seminars€1,700
Share yield€476
Family home and garage in Madrid (50%)
Savings account€30,831
Home mortgage (remaining amount)€234,682

PABLO IGLESIAS: 475,500 mortgage on Galapagar country house

The leader of Podemos has reduced the mortgage on the country home he bought with his partner Irene Montero in Galapagar to €475,588.08.

The couple originally took out a mortgage of €540,000, according to their declarations. In addition to his salary as a deputy, Iglesias made €46,460.21 for “economic activities.”

Economic activities€46,460
Bank interest on savings account€38
Home in Galapagar (Madrid) 50% and another in Ávila
Shared savings account€5,834
Individual account€22,916
Savings account€85,256
Motorbike (2012) and car (2017)
Mortgage loan (amount remaining)€475,588

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