
Protesters throw feces at Catalan courtrooms in protest of “fake trials”

The action from the grassroots CDR organization comes as the Supreme Court prepares to try 18 people for their involvement in the Catalan separatist movement

Garbage dumped outside a court in Gavà.
Garbage dumped outside a court in Gavà.CDR

Members of the self-organized activist groups calling themselves the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) have dumped feces and garbage at the doors of a number of courtrooms in Catalonia to protest against the upcoming trial of pro-independence leaders at the Supreme Court.

In a message on Twitter, the CDR shared images of the protest, using the slogan “shit justice” and “fake trial.” “We cannot normalize the situation. Soon the #FAKEtrial will begin and the verdict has already been made. They want to lock up an entire people. In the face of this attack against the rule of law, we remain strong and mobilized,” the group wrote on Twitter.

Court in Cervera.

Court in Granollers

Court in Vilafranca

Court in Manresa.

Former deputy premier Oriol Junqueras and 17 others are facing trial for for their role in the illegal referendum on secession held in Catalonia on October 1, 2017, as well as the subsequent declaration of independence that was passed through parliament several weeks later.

The trial is set to begin on February 12

Prosecutors are seeking a 25-year prison term for Junqueras for rebellion and misuse of public funds, and they also want the Catalan Republican Party (ERC) leader barred from holding public office for the next 25 years.

Prosecutors are also seeking 17-year jail terms for Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart, and for former speaker Carme Forcadell. Other defendants face penalties ranging from economic fines to prison terms of 16 years. The trial will begin on February 12.

The CDR, which have staged a number of demonstrations in Catalonia, also expressed their support for Adrià Carrasco, a member of the protest group who fled to Brussels on April 10, 2018, after finding out the Civil Guard wanted to arrest her for her involvement in blocking highways and tampering with toll barriers.

In December last year, the group held mass protests to call for the release of the independence leaders in pre-trial detention and were behind the mobilizations to stop the Spanish government from holding a Cabinet meeting in the center of Barcelona.

English version by Melissa Kitson.

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