
Spanish tax agency launches major raid against nightclubs

Space and Privilege in Ibiza are among scores of venues under scrutiny for suspected fraud

Jesús Sérvulo González
Tax authorities have raided scores of nightlife venues across Spain.
Tax authorities have raided scores of nightlife venues across Spain.Tax Agency

The Spanish Tax Agency has launched a major raid against fraud at nightlife venues across Spain.

The move comes at the height of the summer season, with clubs in full swing. Officers have taken away large amounts of undeclared money and computer equipment.

More than 500 tax inspectors and other law enforcement officers have already searched the premises of over 100 companies that run bars, pubs, nightclubs and other entertainment venues in 11 regions of Spain.

The premises under investigation include the highly popular Privilege and Space clubs on the island of Ibiza, which can accommodate thousands of club-goers.

The raid is part of a drive by Spanish tax authorities to crack down on fraud at nightlife venues in tourist-heavy areas.

The Tax Agency has been intensifying its scrutiny of nightlife venues since 2012

Inspectors have detected many undeclared transactions, and the widespread use of software that allows users to keep a dual accounting system, with the money in the second account staying under the radar of tax authorities.

The Tax Agency has been intensifying its scrutiny of nightlife venues since 2012. In recent years, agency employees have also been known to show up at well-known establishments that were consistently late with their payments, confiscating their cash boxes in the middle of the day.

English version by Susana Urra.

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