
Eight terror arrests made in Ceuta

Ammunition recovered during raids on suspected Al Qaeda sympathisers

An Interior Ministry handout of one of the arrested suspects.
An Interior Ministry handout of one of the arrested suspects. AFP PHOTO / SPANISH INTERIOR MINISTRY

The Civil Guard and the National Police arrested eight terror suspects in the early hours of Friday morning in the Príncipe Alfonso neighborhood in the Spanish exclave of Ceuta in North Africa.

The eight men are thought to have links to the Al Qaeda terror network, and are alleged to have recruited jihadists from Ceuta and Morocco to fight in countries such as Syria.

The operation, which began in 2009, remains open. The authorities are seeking the head of the group, who lives outside of Spain but has family roots in Ceuta.

Police searches after the raid turned up ammunition of varying calibers and videos inciting Muslims to wage jihad, or holy war.

On Friday, Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz described the arrests as a "serious blow" to international terrorism.

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