The Summit of the Americas and Michelle Bachelet in China
Many of the world’s democracies are playing a dangerous game by appeasing autocratic regimes that systematically violate human rights
Many of the world’s democracies are playing a dangerous game by appeasing autocratic regimes that systematically violate human rights
The percentage of the world’s population living without democracy has grown from 49% to 70% in only a decade
Dictators and billionaires sometimes have the luxury of acting without checks and accountability; that can be their downfall
The Russian president’s absolute faith in firepower is straight out of the 19th century; his way of thinking about geopolitics is so old it’s unknown to us
We are witnessing an opportunity for the defenders of freedom – and not the tyrants – to set the agenda
As the economic situation worsens, the Kremlin will likely feel more threatened by its own citizens protesting in the streets and public squares than they will by democrats abroad
While the crisis between Russia and Ukraine captures our attention, an even more pressing issue draws only apathy and timidity
The pandemic and its dire aftermath have fueled a surge of introspection that has led many to rethink their purpose in life
Unless taxpayers in wealthy countries foot the bill, it could well be so
Tyrants without legitimacy have to do with the threadbare replacement of rigged votes
The US and the Asian giant are destined to compete, but the two superpowers will also be compelled to collaborate
In the media’s exhaustive recounting of his life, including all his successes and failures, his role championing democracy was all but forgotten
Osama bin Laden taught the world the meaning of asymmetric warfare, while Donald Trump showed us the meaning of these tactics in politics
The changes that affect us are not only due to climate change and the pandemic: evolving demographics and the global effort to tax multinationals will also have significant consequences
Was too much money a factor in Afghanistan’s fiasco?
Experience has taught us that once inflation is ingrained in an economy, getting rid of it is no picnic – even if you are an economic superpower
Politicians would do well to adopt the spirit of experimentation that has long benefited scientists
According to a new survey, 18- to 24-year-olds from this group do not necessarily want to emigrate to the West, but rather to live in a country that works
During the 2008 financial crisis, the mantra was austerity. Now it’s ‘go big’ – spend what you have and more
Washington’s attempts to rebuild its network of international alliances will have one great limitation: the volatility of the country’s own political system
Ecuador’s presidential election is revealing trends that we will see across the rest of Latin America
Leading Americans to coexist in more harmony with their compatriots who support leaders and causes that they find unpalatable is as urgent as it is difficult
It is a date that could go down in history as the day the United States started to repair its battered democracy
The world is on its way to having separate Chinese, American and European networks
The list of reasons that disqualify Trump from leading the nation for another four years is long. Yet, all the items in the list were not enough to persuade 74 million of the president’s supporters to refrain from voting for him
Don’t expect political intolerance to subside anytime soon. The US elections are just the latest example of the divisiveness that is weakening the world’s democracies
Trump, Bolsonaro and López Obrador couldn’t be more different. Or more similar