Amazon and eBay offer hundreds of increasingly sophisticated and inexpensive surveillance equipment. While the items are legal, some of the purposes for which they are used are not
The famous journalist Walter Isaacson has had access to the magnate and his entourage for hundreds of hours. His biography lauds Musk’s achievements and addresses his mental health and family issues, especially with one of his 10 children who is trans because of the ‘woke mind virus’
According to analysis of data from 208 million US citizens, which Meta allowed a team of academics to access, 97% of fake news is seen by right-wing users. The investigation did not find clear links between social media and political polarization
The exploitation of a technology like the internet and successive global crises have led to a chaotic situation, says this Austrian researcher, who studies the proliferation of extremist ideas
The two moguls exchanged messages on their social media in which the Tesla co-founder accepted a challenge from the Facebook owner, who now practices martial arts
Experts agree that as helpful as the artificial intelligence tools are, programming professionals will still be necessary in the future, albeit with different roles
In recent weeks, the creators of this technology and the sector’s big investors, along with thousands of academics, have been warning about the extraordinary dangers of AI
Pol Gisé's videos on the social media site, which discuss stories from the Bible and Greek mythology, have been surprisingly successful. The Spanish actor has just published a novel about Hades, the king of the underworld
The professor, one of the foremost experts on technology’s impact on concentration, believes our goal in the digital era should be focusing on how much we can handle
Meta has two other equally serious problems. First, the headset battery lasts between one and two hours, depending on the use. Also, people get tired of it and don’t use it a lot after trying the experience
As Susan Wojcicki’s stewardship of the company was coming to an end, journalist Mark Bergen published a history of the platform’s oft-underappreciated impact
The most recent version of the popular artificial intelligence chatbot has been released to the public. EL PAÍS put its abilities to the test, with mixed results
Pau Martí Felip switched jobs at his company. Now, he’s a ‘prompt engineer’ – a job driven by the rise of new technology. It’s well-remunerated, but the future of the field is unknown
Anthropologist Helen Fisher has been researching love for decades. For nearly 20 years, she has also been working to understand the importance of the internet in romantic relationships