Amazon killings show scale of illegal logging in Peru
Interpol says the country loses $250 million a year through unauthorized felling
Interpol says the country loses $250 million a year through unauthorized felling
International Court of Justice to decide on Pacific boundary markers next week
The number of drug-smuggling Bolivian aircrafts found in Amazon en route to Brazil goes up
Nearly half of working population has no security or social protection
A decade on from the country’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Ayacucho shows uneven progress
Police are becoming well-versed in the second official language thanks to a new manual
The UN criticizes lack of compensation for Fujimori-era victims
Polls suggest Susana Villarán will stay in office after challenge from predecessor she accuses of corruption
Thousands of women were obligated to have surgery under family planning law
Boyfriend allegedly raped and killed her