SSSS: Four letters you never want to see on your boarding pass
This code means that the passenger has been chosen for additional checks and a more thorough screening
This code means that the passenger has been chosen for additional checks and a more thorough screening
The regions of Aragón, Castilla y León, and Extremadura are home to sparsely populated areas filled with natural wonders and cultural sites that are well worth a visit
Bonsai gardens, concerts and national parks are among the delights on offer during the upcoming ‘fiestas’
Boasting a rich history, great food scene and wild landscapes, the province has been ranked on The New York Times’ list of best trips for 2019
From the multicolored waterfall in La Palma to the giant geode of Pulpí, Almería, here are 23 destinations ranging from the popular to the obscure
Whether natural or man-made, these striking locations receive a fraction of the visitors they deserve
From relaxing spas to anchovy festivals, here are our tips on how to spend the holiday
Relaxing and fun escapes for making the most out of the first holiday of the year
To celebrate its 900th issue, EL PAÍS’s ‘El Viajero’ offers its vacation picks for under a grand
Catch the spectacular sights of autumn in woods from the Atlantic to the Pyrenees
EL PAÍS tours the stunning Spanish sites included in Unesco’s European Geopark Network
Some of the country's most charming spots have come together under a common brand
Ten of the country’s most beautiful spots for a dip, all carved by nature’s hand