How the market is underestimating the impact of environmental risk on sovereign bonds
A Barclays report says that investors are not fully grasping the growing dangers posed by countries’ inability to protect their natural capital
A Barclays report says that investors are not fully grasping the growing dangers posed by countries’ inability to protect their natural capital
Regulators are seeking to ensure that more banks have sufficient capital cushion to cope with a financial crisis
A report by the Tax Justice Network shows backsliding on transparency and international cooperation. The UK would top the list if its overseas territories were included
Denmark and Iceland came in second and third place, while the US was ranked 16th in the report by UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Country takes the crown from Italy, while Japan ranks fourth, Britain comes in 19th, and the US takes 35th place, five spots below Cuba
In preparation for the possibility that the UK crashes out of the EU, bodegas are shipping as much Rioja as they can in a bid to boost their stocks
The renewable energy and engineering company has filed for creditor protection
Debt agency meets issuing target of 1.25 billion euros
Acceptable bid for cable company would have to be in the region of 7-8 billion euros
Shortfall came in better than targeted at 5 percent of GDP
Rating firm predicts that Spain's economy will shrink this year
Sareb received over 30 offers for commercial real estate
Income climbs to 1.15 billion euros from 505 million euros last year
Sale of City national bank could raise 620 million euros
Spanish bank says it is reviewing the advice it offers
Factory did not have proper license from fire department
“The perception of the Spanish economy has improved” De Guindos says
Fashion retail magnate saw his wealth jump by 16.7 billion euros last year
Treasury to increase bond issuance next year to cover regions’ funding needs
Company embarked on austerity drive to reduce debt
This would allow junior debt holders to avoid bearing part of the rescue cost