Which is more damaging to the environment, buying clothes online or in a physical store?
Experts insist that the issue cannot be resolved by demonizing one method of shopping over the other
Experts insist that the issue cannot be resolved by demonizing one method of shopping over the other
Speech-to-text technologies have made huge strides in recent years, but switching from keyboard to dictation to create texts carries other implications
The flipside to our seemingly indelible digital footprint are the images, emails and posts that suddenly disappear from the web
Although letting off steam by releasing energy is what we feel like doing when we’re mad, the most effective way to calm down is doing an activity that decreases arousal
There isn’t an ideal frequency, but excessive handwashing could indicate mysophobia
Without ignoring their potential problematic uses, some researchers emphasize that the smartphone also has positive effects
There are multiple breathing techniques and exercises that can contribute to our well-being. How far do your benefits go?
We need to sleep the same hours in both summer and winter, but the cold and darkness favor sleep. If you haven’t slept well or enough, getting out of bed is more difficult
Projects like ‘Dracula Daily,’ a newsletter that emails Bram Stoker’s novel in chronological order and in real time, bring literature to a new generation of readers, who then comment about the works on social media
On the heels of the productivity porn phenomenon in which users brag about routines starting at 5 a.m., new videos embracing laziness and unabashedly contemplating life at a leisurely pace are all the rage
Fifty-percent of global mortality can be attributed to diseases related to this condition, but what exactly is it and what causes it?
When breaking up with a partner, it’s generally advised to cut off all contact, both in-person and online. EL PAÍS spoke with psychologists about what to do when you can’t avoid the temptation to see what your ex is up to
These playful exchanges are usually related to sexual or romantic intentions, but sometimes we do it just because it boosts our egos. How can we avoid misunderstandings?
Some people prefer to opt for antiperspirant when they expect to sweat more than usual
Sometimes a person we find pleasant face to face can be annoying on Facebook, where they overshare, give free rein to their unfiltered opinions and try too hard to be liked
Factors like the source of the conflict and the time spent together can determine how stress affects a relationship. Being aware of the situation and good communication are key to moving forward
We spend 85%-90% of our time indoors, but getting outside is good for our health if we go to the right places
In some countries, society frowns upon widows who find a new partner ‘too soon.’ Experts insist that there is no ideal period of mourning
There is no scientific evidence to support the commonly held belief, and experts say the preventive focus should be on abrupt temperature changes
Biometric studies suggest that women consider tall men more attractive. What is myth and what is reality?
The nervous system plays a role in activating our muscles, because the brain must send a signal. Can we get stronger by improving it? Some studies suggest so
One of the techniques used for the cosmetic intervention, the so-called “Brazilian butt lift,” has a complication that can cause death
Experts say virtual worlds will allow people to explore their fantasies. But although the technology still has a long way to go, sexual harassment is already a problem
The instant messaging app is being increasingly used to communicate with clients and bosses, but experts warn this can lead to greater anxiety and stress
Experts recommend placing a screen at a distance where it is within view without having to move your head. But as homes get smaller and television sets get larger, this can be a challenge