Argentina looks back at its tragic past for its current political strategy
President Fernández favors placing victims of Dirty War period in top government posts
President Fernández favors placing victims of Dirty War period in top government posts
Juan Carlos Aguilar is found guilty of murder but not of using unnecessary cruelty
A young Mexican woman describes her two-year ordeal of being enslaved and tortured
Juan Carlos Monedero invokes desire to find his own voice again rather than be a “cog”
Lara Siscar, who put up with years of abuse, complains of a lack of assistance from Twitter
The Sorrento, which caught fire on Tuesday, will be towed to a Spanish port for repair
Joss Whedon reunites Iron Man, Captain America, Thor et al for ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’
Justice chief Rafael Catalá made comments about placing limits on reporting But his plans have drawn ire even from within his own party