Maduro discusses political situation with Pope Francis
Venezuelan leader seeks recognition for his government FAO fetes Venezuela for Chávez’s nutritional policies
Venezuelan leader seeks recognition for his government FAO fetes Venezuela for Chávez’s nutritional policies
Total amount owed down from 88.2 percent of GDP to 87.3 percent from March to April
CEOE head of labor relations says regulations date from "the time of stagecoaches"
"No interest from anyone,” telecoms giant tells regulator
Financial transparency is needed to curb corruption, as well as the removal of those under suspicion
Coach took charge of a series of top teams but in later years was dogged by tragedy and scandal
Defense lawyer: “My client is not capable of hurting anyone" Prosecutor "in no doubt" accused murdered his two children
Madrid-Alicante line launched with considerably less fanfare than previous routes
Attorney general asks anti-corruption prosecutors to examine whether transactions occurred AEAT agency data suggests that King Juan Carlos’s daughter made 1.43 million in real estate sales
Around 100 Chinese nationals joined the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939
Isofotón is the latest victim of the downturn in the Spanish photovoltaic market amid EU conflict with Chinese producers
The government is being accused of delaying approval of expensive drugs, while the Health Ministry says it is in the process of streamlining procedures
Mexico’s Peña Nieto should take a pragmatic lead on the road to legalization
Spain’s defending basketball champion forces a final match on rival’s home patch
PP administration says it wishes to “bring some dignity” to the region’s poorest
Embroiled in multiple investigations, Luis Bárcenas claims to have taken advice from an unknown lawyer