Teachers and students take to streets in 30 cities to protest against education reforms
Marchers in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and other towns call for José Ignacio Wert to resign
Marchers in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and other towns call for José Ignacio Wert to resign
Move comes in response to request from troika, says prime minister
Peter Jackson heads back to Middle Earth in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey French master Jacques Audiard gets romantic in Rust and Bone
The Spanish film industry has been reluctant to bring the country’s best plays to the big screen
With exception of BBVA, main lenders take stakes in Sareb
International appeal by Egypt also reveals Swiss bank accounts in former dictator's name
Ronaldo scores late goal to keep tie open as woeful Athletic crashes out of competition
Montoro has threatened to use confidential information against critical media outlets
“We were 2.5 seconds off the pace before last season; it’s practically impossible for it to be worse”
Montoro says system would be similar to that already in place in Britain and Ireland
Lawyer for agent’s widow claims he was investigating possible links between the Kremlin and Russian mafia
Niemeyer, who died at 104, receives state honors in the city he designed
Mexico mourns the loss of Jenni Rivera and six others in a plane crash last Sunday
Venezuelan leader anoints Maduro as successor after rallying support for deputy
President wants court ruling to force media group to divest holdings
Report detailing actions of the Barcelona force was kept from regional department
The government is expected to pass the co-payment system at a meeting next week
Military called out to guard Congress building while four new Supreme Court justices were being sworn in
Fueled by the crisis, charity giving is booming this festive season Schools, colleges and private organizations are all collecting food to help the needy
Halloween tragedy to lead to new rules for policing of major events City to be more vigilant over which activities can take place in its buildings
Spain’s drug-dealing mafias, nightlife entrepreneurs and their connections in the municipal government make for a lethal cocktail