Catalan parties agree referendum on independence within two years
Deal between CiU, ERC paves way for Mas to remain premier Education minister blasted in Congress over language reform
Deal between CiU, ERC paves way for Mas to remain premier Education minister blasted in Congress over language reform
Bank proposes capping compensation at 14 months’ salary
Spending cuts and an end to duplication doesn’t mean giving in to radical centralism or secessionism
Santander’s fortunes have taken a desperate turn since relegation from Primera
Overhaul calls for pension entitlement parameters to be revised in line with state of economy
Former Mallorcan politician posted animation on his party’s website depicting 20 ways to kill a woman
Housing market buoyed by removal of tax breaks next year
One year on since the Socialists' election defeat and Zapatero´s exit from politics The former PM looks back on his achievements and failures
Growth slowed somewhat in the third quarter
Young Panamanian woman was caught in Barcelona with over a kilo of the drug inside her body
Investment portfolio worth more than €30 million moved to Zurich holder
“If you lay a hand on Catalan, you’re going to come up against a nation defending its children,” lawmaker says
Supporters call proposed education reform "attack" on linguistic freedom
Activist was target of 1978 assassination attempt devised by state security forces
Gallardón dismisses legal sector’s reaction to court fees as mere tantrum over Christmas bonus
Study finds nation's fourth graders lagging behind EU and OECD nations in reading, math and science skills
State failed to recover financial assistance to companies that Brussels had deemed illegal