
Heavy rainfall and hail storms cause flash flooding in Seville

The town of Estepa was one of the worst affected areas, with the force of the water carrying away parked cars

A house moments before its collapse. In the video, images of the torrential rain.

Heavy rainfall and a hail storm caused flash flooding in a number of municipalities in Seville on Tuesday, with the town of Estepa one of the worst affected. As seen in videos shared on social media, the force of the water carried away cars parked in the streets and caused the collapse of at least one house.

Spain’s Aemet weather agency has been warning since Monday of a yellow alert in Seville’s Sierra Sur area, with the level being raised to orange almost by surprise at around 4pm on Tuesday.

Emergency services were sent to the affected areas in order to deal with the situation, with the local council in Estepa sending reinforcements once the extent of the situation became clear. The full damage of the weather event is yet to be confirmed.

A resident of Estepa with her furniture on the street after Tuesday's extreme weather event.
A resident of Estepa with her furniture on the street after Tuesday's extreme weather event. José Manuel Vidal (EFE)

The heavy rainfall has also caused problems in the municipality of Herrera and in a number of areas in Córdoba province, including the capital city, which reported around two dozen incidents.

A similar meteorological phenomenon was seen last year, when a hailstorm caused damage in a number of areas in Andalusia toward the end of August.

English version by Simon Hunter.

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