
Hulk Hogan at 70: the scandal-plagued wrestler finally finds peace

The ex-WWE champ, who is engaged to a much younger woman, has conquered his addictions and claims to be happier than ever

Hulk Hogan WWE
Hulk Hogan in action during his 'Hulkamania' tour at the Burswood Dome in Perth, Australia; November 24, 2009.Matt Jelonek (WireImage)
Ixone Arana

His real name is Terry Gene Bollea, but he’s universally recognized as Hulk Hogan — a nickname that triggered a lengthy legal dispute with Marvel Comics over its similarity to their green superhero. Hogan was a highly successful professional wrestler for World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) in the 1980s and 1990s, but was kicked out of the WWE Hall of Fame due to racist comments. Then, to everyone’s surprise, WWE decided to reinstate him in 2018. “This second chance follows Hogan’s numerous public apologies and volunteering to work with young people, where he is helping them learn from his mistake. These efforts led to a recent induction into the Boys & Girls Clubs of America Alumni Hall of Fame,” said the WWE press release. The wrestling legend just turned 70 and keeps pushing to redeem his past and embrace the future.

In a recent interview with Muscle and Health magazine, Hogan openly discussed his addictions, attributing most of them to the physical toll of his profession. “I was hitting the pain pills hard because I’d had to endure twenty-five procedures, including ten to my back, facial operations from being kicked, knee and hip replacements and abdominal and shoulder surgeries... There was a period of time, about five or six years ago, where I was in crazy pain to the extent I couldn’t even function.”

During his 35-year wrestling career (the last time he officially stepped into the ring was in 2012), Hogan won 12 world championship belts. However, the extensive physical abuse led to a reliance on painkillers that became an integral part of his life, to the point where he still needed them even after retiring. “I needed pain meds at that stage, that’s for sure. But once things started to wind down, they continued giving me the same meds. It got to a point where I’d recovered from the tenth back surgery, and the pharmacy would call me and say, ‘Your prescription’s ready,’ and like a dog chasing a bone, I’d go pick it up,” said the Georgia-born wrestler. “Then, finally, I just looked at myself and said, ‘I’m not in pain. I don’t need this.’ My body hurts from all the wrestling injuries, but I’m not in this excruciating pain that I can’t live with.” He now alleviates his pain and enhances his workouts with CBD, a non-intoxicating compound derived from the cannabis plant.

In the interview, he acknowledges that alcohol has been a tough foe throughout his life, but says he finally defeated it. “I’ve had a lot of practice drinking because I wrestled for about forty years, so those guys have a beer every once in a while,” he jokes. “But about seven months ago, I decided not to drink any more alcohol. I was at a New Year’s Eve party and saw a bunch of stuff that I didn’t condone or like. I saw myself in this environment, and I said, ‘you know what? I don’t know how I got here, but I’m done.’” However, sobriety has also lost him some friends. “I’ve had certain wrestlers look at me in the face and go, ‘If you don’t have a drink with me, you’re not my friend.’ Well, I am your friend, but I’m not going to drink with you. What are you going to do about it?”

Hulk Hogan with ex-wife Linda Hogan (second from right) and their children, Nick and Brooke Hogan; 2006.
Hulk Hogan with ex-wife Linda Hogan (second from right) and their children, Nick and Brooke Hogan; 2006.Rodrigo Varela (WireImage)

Hogan now appears determined to be a role model of exemplary conduct who admits and overcomes his mistakes. But he hasn’t always been like this. A biopic about his tumultuous life directed by Todd Phillips and featuring Chris Hemsworth is in the works, though no release date has been announced. He made headlines in 2012 (the year he retired from professional wrestling) when a sex tape was leaked featuring him and Heather Clem, the estranged wife of radio personality Bubba the Love Sponge (Todd Alan Clem). According to Hogan, Bubba tricked him into having sex with Heather but didn’t tell him about the security camera. Hogan didn’t vilify his friend (or former friend), but instead took legal action against Gawker, the website that disseminated the sex tape. Hogan sued Gawker for defamation, loss of privacy and emotional pain, and was awarded $115 million. Gawker filed for bankruptcy soon after and went out of business.

Hogan’s public image continued to deteriorate, primarily due to the homophobic comments heard in the recording rather than the images from the sex tape. ”VH1 wanted me to do a big thing and go back to the house I grew up in,” he tells Heather Clem on the tape. “So we knock on the door, and a big fag lives there now!” Hogan also said, “This half-gay was enamored with Linda,” referring to his ex-wife, Linda Marie Bollea. At the time, Hogan was married to Jennifer McDaniel, whom he married in 2010 and divorced in 2021. Hogan’s marriage to Linda lasted from 1983 to 2009 and produced two children — Brooke and Nick. In 2005, Hogan made his personal life the centerpiece of TV reality series Hogan Knows Best, which included Linda and their two children.

Hogan didn’t stay single for long after both divorces. After splitting from McDaniel in 2021, he was in the news less than a year later announcing his engagement to Sky Daily, whom he met at a wedding. “I asked Sky to marry me, and she was crazy enough to say yes!” Hogan told the Los Angeles Times.

“Right now, I’m enjoying life on the beach, playing the bass for fun when my daughter Brooke comes to visit, working on my cars and partying hard and sober. Life is good!” Hogan told Muscle and Health magazine. Two days after his 70th birthday, he shared a photo on Instagram with his new fiancée and a message: “70 years young and happier than I’ve ever been!” The warrior, weary of battle, has finally found the peace that eluded him for so long.

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