Title 42 has expired on the US-Mexico border: Now what?
The end of Trump’s controversial immigration rule makes way for a new regime fraught with uncertainties. Here’s what’s known about what comes next
The end of Trump’s controversial immigration rule makes way for a new regime fraught with uncertainties. Here’s what’s known about what comes next
The end of Donald Trump’s Covid measure, which allowed the immediate expulsion of people, has not solved the problems in the area or between the governments of Joe Biden and Andrés Manuel López Obrador
The Republicans in Congress have proposed a law that will make it tougher for people to enter the United States. Alejandro Mayorkas – the secretary of Homeland Security – warns of ‘difficult days ahead’
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the fire was started by migrants inside the facility in Ciudad Juárez, near the U.S. border, after learning they would be deported
Video of the scene at the Paso Del Norte bridge on Sunday showed hundreds of migrants arrive at the border. Many of them appeared to be asylum seekers
The United States has seen dozens of people killed in mass shootings so far in 2023
The 2019 massacre happened on a busy weekend at a supermarket that is typically popular with shoppers from Mexico and the US