This expert defends urban agriculture as a way to improve community ties and promote healthy eating habits, but he also warns about hyper-technological crops, a growing trend that venture capital is already eyeing with interest
Shares in GEO Group and CoreCivic, the two largest publicly traded US prison groups, are rising sharply on the prospect of an increase in the penitentiary population and the number of migrants detained under the Republican administration
This is one of the most important moments in the league, as it will define the new members of each team, who could help their growth during the next season
Tickets for the Colombian artist’s tour ‘Las Mujeres Ya No lloran’ are now on sale. This leg will consist of 14 concerts in the United States and Canada
With American trust in police plummeting, buttressed by cellphone and bodycam videos that can expose untruths, a profession once broadly considered above reproach has seen its reputation suffer
‘The Detroit News’ reported that Trump told two election officials that they would look ‘terrible’ if they certified results after having initially opposed certification
In the first two decades of the 21st century, the threat of flooding convinced more than 7 million people to avoid risky areas or abandon places that were risky
Ford re-issued full-year earnings guidance that was withdrawn during the strike, but it trimmed its expectations. The company now expects to earn $10 billion to $10.5 billion before taxes in 2023
The company cuts the number of planned jobs by about one third to 1,700 from 2,500. The annual battery cell output will drop from enough for 400,000 vehicles per year to about 230,000
Five large factories have turned down the four year and eight month deal by fairly large margins. Voting continues at Ford, where the deal is passing with 66.1%
The Democratic president wanted to show that his policies could deliver for workers, rather than repeat the decades of factory closures that had gutted parts of the Midwest
The contract with GM is similar to those reached by Ford and Stellantis. The deal will last four years and eight months and includes 25% general pay raises and cost of living adjustments
Jeep maker Stellantis has reached a tentative contract agreement with the United Auto Workers union that follows a template set earlier this week by Ford, two people with knowledge of the negotiations said Saturday
The deal would include cost-of-living pay increases that could lift the total pay raises above 30% and would be used as a model to seek similar contract settlements with GM and Stellantis
The company posted net income of more than $3 billion from July through September, down 7% from the same period last year due to lost production from the strike, and also increased warranty costs
Shawn Fain said Stellantis and GM have made wage offers that matched Ford’s 23% over the life of a four year contract, but insisted that the companies can go further