
Edmundo González Urrutia’s government plan: Opening up the market and freeing political prisoners

With ideas completely opposed to the Chavista government, the opposition candidate seeks to re-establish international relations and reunite Venezuelan families that have been fragmented by exodus and exile

Edmundo González, el 23 de mayo en Caracas.
Edmundo González Urrutia, on May 23 in Caracas.Leonardo Fernandez Viloria (Reuters)
Julieta Sanguino

Edmundo González Urrutia will build his governmental plan around two main ideas: the program outlined by María Corina Machado in her document Venezuela, Land of Grace, and the so-called “Country Plan.” The opposition candidate has not yet finalized his proposals for a potential term in the presidential office in Venezuela, but he bases his ideas on “achieving freedom, democracy, and prosperity.” Based on these two documents, Urrutia plans to draw up his own text entitled “Guidelines of public policies for a government program of national unity.”

If he wins the election, Urrutia will take office on January 10, 2025, and according to what he has said in several interviews one of his immediate actions will be to free political prisoners. Below you can review what the opposition candidate has said about the most relevant issues in Venezuela.


The opposition candidate states there will be no politicized armed forces in his administration.

Guyana and Essequibo

Urrutia will seek to apply the Geneva Agreement of 1966, with a negotiated solution.


The opposition candidate’s proposal is to improve the primary health care system. Although Urrutia has not provided more details, in Machado’s government plan there is mention of the creation of an integral health system with private and public insurance that will offer universal health coverage and quality service to patients.


Urrutia proposes reducing inflation, improving salaries and vindicating the value of labor so that the Venezuelan currency does not depreciate, and the economy recovers. His policy favors free enterprise and the free market. Machado’s government plan mentions an “expansive stabilization to eliminate poverty and propitiate the growth of the middle class.”


The opposition seeks the privatization of the oil industry and the use of gas and clean energies. Machado also speaks of a transition of the energy model and in her speeches, she has emphasized the protection of the environment through her policies.

Education and culture

Urrutia has talked about improving public education to ensure equal opportunities.


The social milestone that marks Urrutia’s campaign is to seek to reunite families that have been broken up due to the migrant exodus and exile. He also maintains that Venezuelans should remain in their own country; in a meeting he held with young people, he said: “We will create the conditions so that they can develop their talents here and not have to leave.” The candidate also says that he will promote an effective social protection system and has said that he will implement emergency social programs; although he has not given more details in this regard.

Domestic Policy

Urrutia has said there will be amnesty and transitional justice processes, and that political prisoners will be released. On the other hand, the candidate has stated that he will put an end to and punish corruption “through strict accountability and auditing mechanisms in all state institutions.”

Foreign policy

Urrutia seeks to reestablish relations with other countries and take Venezuela out of international isolation.

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