
After mild December, temperatures in Spain set to plummet this week

The mercury is set to fall as low as -12ºC from Wednesday, with the intense cold likely to last until the weekend at least

Victoria Torres Benayas
A frozen fountain in Verín, Ourense.
A frozen fountain in Verín, Ourense.Brais Lorenzo (EFE)

Temperatures are expected to plunge in Spain from Wednesday, as a mass of “cold and very dry” polar air makes its way over the Iberian Peninsula. According to the AEMET state meteorology service, the cold air will arrive in the northeast of the peninsula on Wednesday and will spread across the rest of mainland Spain and the Balearics, causing temperatures to fall between 6ºC and 8ºC, after a particularly mild December.

Some areas of Spain may see temperatures as low as -12ºC. The wind-chill factor is expected to make conditions feel even colder

According to AEMET spokesperson Rubén del Campo, some areas of Spain may see temperatures as low as -12ºC. The wind-chill factor is expected to make conditions feel even colder.

AEMET is forecasting an “episode of intense cold,” but it will fall short of a cold snap in terms of duration and intensity. “Temperatures on Thursday, Friday and Saturday are going to be very cold, with lows that are 5ºC or 10ºC below the average in many areas of the north, east and the Balearic Islands,” Del Campo explained, adding that such weather is not out of the ordinary for this time of year. “But we have to take into account that we are coming off the back of a mild December, which was 1.2ºC above the average for the month, and that this daytime cold will arrive all of a sudden.”

The worst of the cold is expected for Friday, when general temperatures will not rise above 6ºC or 7ºC. Lows will fall to -5ºC in the country’s plateaus and in mountainous areas, and could even reach -10ºC, while highs will not exceed 5ºC in inland areas in the north.

The only areas that can expect light snow are east Cantabria, parts of the northeast and the Pyrenees

The forecast does not, however, include snow. “Not much is expected,” explained Del Campo. “Not due to a lack of cold, but rather a lack of precipitation, given that this mass of air is very dry.” The only areas that can expect light snow are east Cantabria, parts of the northeast and the Pyrenees.

Daytime temperatures are expected to creep back up on Saturday, while nighttime temperatures will rise from Sunday onward. Windy conditions will persist during the weekend in the northeast and the Balearics. Next week clear skies and dry conditions are forecast.

English version by Simon Hunter.

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