
Victims of the Barcelona terrorist attacks: all the latest details

People from at least 35 countries among victims; two Italians, two Portuguese, a Belgian, a US citizen, a Canadian, two Argentineans and a British–Australian confirmed dead

A man is attended to by emergency services after the attackJUAN BARBOSA
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All 15 victims of the Catalonia terrorist attacks identified by police

Please note: this story is no longer being updated. For the latest news on the victims, see here.

Thursday’s terrorist attack in Barcelona took place on the city’s iconic La Rambla promenade, a cosmopolitan area visited by tourists from all over the world. Alongside the four Spanish citizens officially confirmed as killed thus far, the terrorists also took the lives of two Italians, two Portuguese citizens, a Belgian, a US citizen, a Canadian and two people with Argentinean citizenship.

Among those killed and injured in the attack, and among the missing, there are people from at least 35 countries. Below is a list containing information on the victims of the attack.

Italy. Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni has confirmed two Italians died in the Barcelona attack. The first Italian to be confirmed dead was Bruno Gulotta, 35, originally from Legnano, near Milan. He was on holiday with his partner Martina, 28. “He placed himself in front of the children and was run over,” his wife was reported to have said.

The second Italian victim was Luca Russo, 25, an engineer who lived in Bassano del Grappa, some 100 kilometers west of Venice. He was walking on La Rambla with his girlfriend, who was injured but not seriously.

Germany. Early reports from the German government indicate 13 German citizens were injured in the attack, some of them seriously, according to local media citing sources in the German Foreign Ministry. The same sources did not rule out that Germans may have been killed. TV channel ZDF reported three Germans had died, citing security sources.

A woman places flowers on the La Rambla promenade in honor of the victims of the attack in BarcelonaMANU FERNANDEZ (AP)

Belgium. The death of one Belgian was confirmed by the Belgian Foreign Affairs Minister Didier Reynders. The ministry said the victim was a woman and that consular officials were in touch with two other Belgians hospitalized after being injured in the attack, one of them seriously.

The mayor of Tongeren near the Dutch border said the Belgian woman killed was a resident of the town. Local media in Belgium have identified her as 44 year-old Elke V., on holiday in Barcelona with her husband and two teenage children. It is not known if they were among the injured.

Portugal. The prime minister of Portugal, Antonio Costa, has confirmed a second victim from the country. On Friday he said a 74-year-old woman from Lisbon, in Barcelona on vacation, had died. On Saturday, it emerged her granddaughter, aged 20, initially reported as missing, had also died.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian condemned the attack as “an act of cowardice”

United States. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson confirmed on Friday that a US citizen had died. The deceased was later identified as Jared Tucker, who was celebrating his first wedding anniversary with his wife.

France. French Foreign Mminister Jean-Yves Le Drian confirmed in a statement that 26 French citizens were injured in the attack. The French Foreign Ministry said 11 French people had been injured seriously, a figure that French Interior Minister Gérard Collomb elevated to 17.

Australia/UK. Australia said eight of its citizens had been affected by the Barcelona attack. Four were injured, among them a woman traveling on a British passport who has been hospitalized with serious injuries.

On Sunday, Catalan officials confirmed that a seven-year-old British–Australian boy, Julian Cadman, had died in the Barelona attack. Julian had earlier been reported missing by his grandfather who posted a photo on social media and said that the boy had been on La Rambla at the moment of the attack with his mother, one of those injured.

Canada. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed that one Canadian had died and four others had been injured.

Colombia. The Colombian foreign ministry said that one of its citizens had been injured and one was still missing.

Cuba. Four Cubans were injured in the Barcelona attack and a fifth was lightly injured in the later attack in the resort town of Cambrils. That person had already left hospital, according to the official Cuban website Cubadebate.

Ecuador. The foreign ministry of Ecuador said two people from the country had been lightly injured and were now out of danger. Their names were given as Katty Vargas Bonilla, in hospital under observation, and Carmen Judith Romero, who has been released from hospital and is now back at home, according to the government.

Argentina. The Argentinean Foreign Ministry has said two women with double nationality have died. One of them was Spanish–Argentinean Silvina Alejandra Pereyera, 40, who had lived in Barcelona for over a decade. The other victim was Carmen Lopardo, 80, who was born in Italy but emigrated to Argentina more than 60 years ago. The following Argentinean citizens were also listed as injured: the tourist María Cristina Deambrosi, aged 60, and Pablo Sebastián Abecasis, 67, a resident of Catalonia.

Venezuela. Two Venezuelans have been injured: Alyaris Vargas and Alejandra Roa, according to Venezuelan daily El Nacional citing consul Ricardo Capella.

Honduras. One Honduran was injured, the consul for the Central American country confirmed. Dayana Pagoada was admitted to Barcelona’s Hospital Espíritu Santo and has now been released.

Peru. One Peruvian was injured. The country’s foreign ministry has not released that person’s identity but the individual is now at home and out of danger.

English version by George Mills.


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