
Classic Madrid venue Café Comercial reopens after surprise closure

The establishment shocked locals back in 2015 when it shut its doors after 128 years of activity

Café Comercial, known as Madrid’s oldest coffeehouse, has reopened again after shutting down in July 2015 following 128 years of uninterrupted activity. Located in downtown Madrid, on the busy Glorieta de Bilbao, the café was famous for the literary evenings that once drew some of Spain’s top writers, including Antonio Machado and Camilo José Cela, and more recently, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, author of the Captain Alatriste series.

Boarded-up Café Comercial after its closure in July 2015.
Boarded-up Café Comercial after its closure in July 2015.EFE

Café Comercial, along with Café Gijón, was one of the few remaining “tertulia” bars – venues for intellectual debates that were popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Its closure drew heavy media attention and triggered spontaneous shows of support from local residents saddened at seeing Café Comercial go.

The closure was seen as part of a wider trend toward the replacement of traditional establishments by chain stores

The decision to close, while unexplained by its owners, was widely seen as part of a larger trend toward the replacement of traditional establishments by chain store franchises, in the context of rising rents in downtown Madrid.

But on Monday afternoon, Café Comercial reopened under a new administration headed by a group called El Escondite. After undergoing reform work, Comercial had been slated to reopen by March 21, but the date was delayed by red tape.

The café falls under Level 1 protection under municipal building regulations, a designation reserved for premises considered to be of great value. This means that any reform work must preserve its original architecture. In this case, the café has kept its staircase, bar counter, lamps, façade, ceilings, furniture and several other elements.

English version by Susana Urra.

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