
Up to 30 provinces on alert for freezing temperatures and high winds

Some areas could see gusts of up to 100km/h and thermometers drop to -8ºC

A Civil Guard officer looks for a man who disappeared off the coast of Castro Urdiales, Cantabria.
A Civil Guard officer looks for a man who disappeared off the coast of Castro Urdiales, Cantabria.EFE

Up to 30 provinces were on alert on Tuesday as the cold front that pushed its way through Spain last weekend continued to bring heavy snow, strong winds and low temperatures to many parts of the peninsula.

The northwestern region of Galicia and nearby Asturias and Cantabria have been hardest hit by the snowfall and high waves along their coasts. Galicia was temporarily cut off on Sunday after a heavy storm hit the region.

The Balearic Islands were on orange alert for strong winds and waves that could reach heights of up to five meters

The Balearic Islands were on orange alert for strong winds and waves that are expected to reach heights of up to five meters. Orange warnings were also issued for the Canary Islands of La Gomera and El Hierro, and Girona province in Catalonia.

Winds gusts are expected to reach up to 100 kilometers per hour in these areas, according to the AEMET state weather agency.

Among the provinces on a lower yellow alert are Almería, Granada and Jaén in Andalusia for low temperatures, and Huesca, in Aragon, where high winds are also expected.

Thermometers are forecast to drop to -8ºC in the provinces of Cuenca and Guadalajara in Castilla-La Mancha.

Similar temperatures are also expected in Madrid, Ávila, Burgos, Salamanca, Zamora, Soria and Segovia.

English version by Martin Delfín.

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