
Ciudad Lineal pedophile accused of four counts of sexual assault

Antonio Ortiz was arrested last year after allegedly abusing girls in the Madrid district

F. Javier Barroso
Antonio Ortiz, known as the Ciudad Lineal pedophile.
Antonio Ortiz, known as the Ciudad Lineal pedophile.Police files

Antonio Ortiz, the alleged pedophile who kidnapped young children in Madrid over the course of several months, has been formally accused by a court of four counts of sexual assault against minors.

The judge sent Ortiz back to preventive prison without bail and set a bond of €120,000 to cover compensation for his victims if he is found guilty during trial, legal sources confirmed.

The judge sent Ortiz back to preventive prison without bail and set a bond of €120,000 to cover compensation

The suspect, who has a history of sexual abuse, was arrested in late September at a relative’s house in the northern city of Santander following a long police investigation.

He was wanted for luring young children – always girls – into his car with promises of candy, then taking them to his apartment, drugging them, abusing them and dropping them off at various locations.

During his last attack, however, he did not drug his victim.

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Ortiz became known as “the pedophile from Ciudad Lineal” because all the kidnappings took place in that district of Madrid.

A search of his home and DNA testing uncovered evidence that the victims had been inside.

The judge warned that if the defendant does not come up with the €120,000 to cover monetary damages, the court would seize his assets until the amount is reached.

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