road accident

Madrid politician Cifuentes still in serious condition after scooter crash

Government delegate in semiconscious state after undergoing surgery to stem bleeding on Tuesday night

The car that hit Cifuentes's motorbike.
The car that hit Cifuentes's motorbike.Chema Moya (EFE)

The central government’s delegate in Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes, remained in a serious condition in hospital on Wednesday after sustaining injuries the day before in a traffic accident.

Cifuentes, 49, was reported by doctors to be semiconscious, after having suffered injuries to her chest when her scooter collided with a car on the Paseo de la Castellana boulevard in central Madrid.

The Popular Party politician, doctors said, broke five ribs in the accident and sustained damage to her lungs. As such, she was still attached to an artificial respirator on Wednesday, and underwent surgery to repair an artery.

The accident took place at around 6pm on Tuesday, near Profesor Waksman street. Cifuentes was driving in the bus lane — as scooters are permitted to do — when a BMW cut across her. The driver of the vehicle tested negative for alcohol.

Speaking to news agency Atlas, motorists, motorcyclists and locals who work in the area complained of the dangers of the bus lane. “A lot of people don’t know there’s a bus lane at this turn,” said one motorcyclist.” “If they can’t see a bus, they can’t see anybody,” added another.

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