
Zapatero: "I want successor to have time to prepare 2012 platform"

PM explains decision to rule out third term but stresses his will to see out present one

Two days after announcing that he will not be running for office again in next year's elections, Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero told the Federal Executive Committee of his Socialist Party on Monday that he had decided to make this early announcement for several reasons. The first is that he wanted to give his replacement - who will be elected in primaries due to be held in July - enough time "to craft the candidacy and the program he or she will offer Spaniards in 2012."

So far, the top candidates to lead the Socialists in the race for office are Zapatero's deputy, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, and Defense Minister Carme Chacón.

Zapatero, who was facing the lowest popularity ratings for a prime minister in history at the time of his announcement, said that he also wanted to bring home the point that he will focus on governing right up until the end of the term, countering the opposition's suggestions that he is now a "lame duck." Popular Party leader Mariano Rajoy, however, stressed that he will not seek a censure motion since his chances of winning are next to none, despite his calls for early elections.

Rajoy: "The best thing would be for Spaniards to be called to the polls to end this feeling of limbo."
More information
Prime minister announces he is not to run for a third term
Zapatero keeps party and nation guessing on future
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"The main thing is to have a political change and for the party that has ruled Spain to go back to being the opposition," said Rajoy in a radio interview on the Ser radio station on Monday. "The best thing would be for Spaniards to be called to the polls to put an end to this feeling of limbo."

In the wake of months of speculation within and without his own party as to his future plans, Zapatero argued that by making his announcement now he is providing stability to the party and the government, and added that his decision was the fruit of considerable inner reflection.

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