
Madrid premier to undergo surgery for breast cancer

Esperanza Aguirre says operation will only keep her out of action "for a few days"

The Madrid regional premier, Esperanza Aguirre, announced on Monday that she would be temporarily disappearing from public life in order to have surgery to remove a "lump" in her breast that was detected "during a routine gynecological check-up.

While she did not specifically say that she was suffering from cancer, the Popular Party politician did make a generic reference to the illness, adding that for now she will not be requiring chemotherapy on the basis of her biopsy results.

Aguirre made the announcement after inaugurating a new stretch of highway in the Madrid area of Torres de la Alameda.

"Luckily, the doctors have given me a good prognosis, but I will be disappearing from circulation for a few days," she told the assembled press, who were stunned into silence by the surprise announcement. Aguirre was confident of being able to run for reelection in May.

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