
Javier Solana: "EU response to Egypt is frustrating"

Former chief European diplomat discusses the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's response to the Egyptian revolution, and why Brussels should take note

Javier Solana, the man who embodied European Union diplomacy until just over a year ago, considers the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt will bring about "a most profound change in these societies in this part of the world that was left behind in the globalization process."

He believes that the changes that have occurred are "irreversible" and the path Egypt is taking will set the pace for the rest of the region.

Question. What are the consequences of what is happening across the Arab region?

Answer. Nothing will be the same, not only in Egypt or Tunisia, but throughout the region. Even in countries that today seem oblivious to the events, something is happening. The scheme of things that had been imposed which only had two options - radicalization of Islam or repression - has collapsed. Here are young people who say we want to be free, but without having to give up our Muslim faith, and not to use religion as political ideology. We want to be like other citizens of the world and live with dignity and respect - the two words that have been heard most in Tahrir square.

Q. What about the so-far discreet role of the Muslim Brotherhood? Could they hijack the revolution as happened with the clerics in Iran?

A. It is still early, but a thorough analysis of all that the Muslim Brotherhood signify is needed. The situation in Egypt has nothing to do with Iran in 1979. More people believe that Cairo has a lot in common with those who took to the streets in Tehran after the last elections there.

Q. And Europe's role?

A. I'm frustrated with our response. Obama pulled off an extraordinary balancing act within his own government, but he has set the line and, without doubt, did so well. "You have rights and we support you," he said. Spain has a big responsibility and should act as a catalyst within the EU.

Javier Solana in Barcelona.
Javier Solana in Barcelona.MASSIMILIANO MINOCRI

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