Fake kung fu master: “I killed them in a sudden and unexpected way”
Juan Carlos Aguilar admits to slaying two women in confession read out on first day of trial
Juan Carlos Aguilar admits to slaying two women in confession read out on first day of trial
Investigators still to fully clarify if attacker, a nurse who worked in Madrid, knew his victims
Killer, who was arrested after incident in Cantabria, may have had a relationship with female victim
Basque terrorist group could confirm openness to an "unconditional" if "partial" laying down of arms
Inspired by the philanthropist, Manuel Orozco has raised 150,000 euros for aid projects in India
Ruling PNV joins left-wingers in support for ETA prisoners and a peace process after court had vetoed a similar protest
Operation was postponed from Thursday because authorities were unable to find the politician
Urkullu says his region has been down road of confrontation and is now preserving its fiscal autonomy
Radical grouping wants parties and civil society to join push for independence referendum
A Gesture for Peace decides to disband in the wake of an end to ETA violence
Centrist politician opened the party to society, but at the cost of electoral clout
The terrorist group is demanding the transfer of all members in French prisons to Spain
Three years after its last attack in Spain, in which two Civil Guard officers died, ETA is seeking a deal for its prisoners under the political umbrella of the 'abertzale'