In search of the lost meridian of Cadiz
Historian rescues from oblivion the longitude that put the Spanish port on the map
Historian rescues from oblivion the longitude that put the Spanish port on the map
How one industry saved town of Estepa from financial ruin while providing jobs for local women
Dating back 700 years, town's four-yearly draw is a unique example of income distribution
One of the victims was located in an escort bar while the other was a power company worker
Gay couple accused of paying woman from Cadiz €10,000 to have a baby for them
The incident happened in an area that is contested by Spain and the United Kingdom
Whether from Bolonia’s giant dune or a simple surfboard, we bring you the best places to watch the sun go down in the south of Andalusia
Once a global salt producer, Cadiz has only five artisan salt flats left
Demand in China is pushing illegal harvesters into the waters of southern Spain
Project includes construction of regasification unit for use in adjacent gas-fired power plant
A group of traditional shellfish catchers has managed to go legitimate and now sell their products to the Mercadona chain
Popular consultation and main parties suggest support for gay rights in British Overseas Territory
Spanish foreign ministry renews demand for explanations regarding the extent of the damage