The pipe dream of Brits and Catalans
Talks with the European Union show that it makes no sense to demand national independence in a global world
Talks with the European Union show that it makes no sense to demand national independence in a global world
The “disembarkation platforms” being debated by the European Union already exist, and they are hell on Earth
“We are open to receiving any help that relieves our operations,” says French PM Manuel Valls
EL PAÍS correspondents choose their favorite thoroughfares in the cities where they live
Government initially stated there were 45 people on board “with Spanish surnames” Secretary of state for security insists that this is still a “provisional” figure
Recovery efforts restarted this morning at the crash site at first light Spain to send six police officers and civil guards to assist with the identification of victims
Spanish branch of Paris modern art museum is scheduled to open in 2015 and will house 90 works
French authorities warn data on second flight recorder, which is in Paris for analysis, may be illegible
Spain’s working hours belong in the last century, and are having a negative impact on everything from health and family life, to productivity in the office
The Spanish rate system is as difficult to understand as the documents utility companies send to their customers
Politicians who make the step up when their mentors step down face skepticism from the public, who didn't vote for them
No one is ever to blame for the fraud and mismanagement that has exacerbated Spain’s crisis
This phenomenon of growing disparity between rich and poor, which began around 1980, has accelerated with the crisis
Many are outraged at Rajoy's attempts to speak on behalf of those who don't come out to protest
Latin America is a region with big contrasts when it comes to the role of women Mexican voters are to get their chance to vote for their first female leader