Son wants answers after mummified remains of mother found in apartment
Woman’s body lay undiscovered for two years despite attempts to enter property
Woman’s body lay undiscovered for two years despite attempts to enter property
After three decades of growth, Spain's charities are facing an unprecedented funding disaster Donations and government funding are drying up, leaving NGOs dependent on volunteers
Ordinary savers are thought to have been mis-sold 30bn euros worth of complicated financial products, but many are now fighting to get their money back in the courts
Scamster left legitimate company and set up fraudulent firm using false documents
Laborers occupy a farm near Córdoba in protest at the intended sale of the site by the Andalusian government
State of bankruptcy means residents must take over municipal tasks
With just five percent of the vote, extremist grouping capitalizes on apathy
The Basque town was bombed by the Germans during the Civil War Debate still rages as to whether the civilian deaths were deliberate The number of survivors of that fateful day is dwindling fast