It’s not just about what you eat: Science shows that when you eat matters too
New research suggests that consuming more than half of your daily calories after 5 p.m. is linked to elevated glucose levels
New research suggests that consuming more than half of your daily calories after 5 p.m. is linked to elevated glucose levels
A new study finds that it’s not the use of the internet, screens, or platforms that harms mental health, but rather the type of content consumed
A new study confirms the presence of alpha-synuclein in 20 cases of individuals with RBD, a condition characterized by vigorous motor behaviors and nightmares, which could serve as an early symptom of neurodegenerative diseases
Common mistakes include failures to ensure a calm environment and that patients remain seated five minutes prior to their test
A study of 80,000 people in the U.K. shows that to reduce the risk of heart disease, people should do activities that require them to move during the work day
Scientific research shows higher temperatures decrease positive emotions such as joy or happiness and increase negative ones such as anger or stress
High temperatures on equatorial nights, which have multiplied in recent years, are associated with less — and less efficient — sleep
Data from more than 350,000 people over 13 years suggests that a good diet, exercise and not smoking considerably lengthens the life of people genetically predisposed to have a shorter life span
In his latest book, ‘Personality and its Disorders,’ he offers readers an informative introduction to the science of personality
Exposure to exterior nighttime illumination affects our biological clock and sleep quality, and a recent study links it to an elevated chance of having a stroke
A meta-analysis synthesizes 50 years of sleep deprivation research and reveals that not enough rest can lead to emotional changes the next day
People from more disadvantaged backgrounds are 440% more likely to suffer from the disease, compared to people with higher incomes
Performing the equivalent of four minutes of physical activity a day is a valid strategy to strengthen the brain
Various studies show that exposing workers to nothing but artificial lighting puts their physical and mental health in danger
Not getting enough sleep affects many areas of our day-to-day life
Although sleep medicine experts have traditionally advocated limiting its use, a recent study contradicts this idea
Our generation is better prepared than that of our parents to face the challenges entailed by smartphones and social media and to talk to our children about the potential and risks of technology
Experts recommend increasing the number of hours spent outdoors in the morning, especially for the elderly
The pediatrician explains that rest is essential for the physical and mental health and the proper development of minors
A new study rules out a direct relationship between being an evening person and a higher mortality, but finds that those who go to bed and wake up later are more likely to be smokers and drinkers
Hormonal changes and the lack of stress may explain why a woman naturally achieves a pregnancy that seemed impossible before in-vitro fertilization
The clinical psychologist and creator of the Fagerström test talks about therapeutic options for people with tobacco use disorder
Recent studies link the appearance of this disorder in pregnant women with subsequent heart disease, even years after having given birth
Insomnia and average sleep duration of less than five hours are associated with higher heart attack rates
The chronobiology researcher staunchly defends rest as an essential component of health
Non-stop television viewing has been linked to back pain, eye strain, weight gain and other health problems
A new study highlights the role of high-intensity aerobic activity in preventing the appearance of metastases; still, experts warn that it should not be considered a substitute for other treatments