Edo Costantini and Delfina Braun, a couple of Argentine artists based in upstate New York, have just successfully ended an exhibition in Manhattan in which they explored the contradictions contained within a plant that heals and at the same time generates great pain in humanity
The great economic historian, who paved the way for studies on the gender wage gap, says she’s given up on the term, due to its historic connotations. Nowadays, she prefers to speak of ‘women’s rights’
In the same way Spotify tapped into the art of sarcasm, the world’s most downloaded educational app has turned guilt-inducing reminders into its greatest asset — but why does treating users badly work so well?
Christian groups and think tanks are weaving together a network with nodes in Washington and Budapest. Meanwhile, Madrid is gaining importance as a bridge to far-right movements in Latin America
Kigali sponsors foreign soccer clubs, organizes the African NBA playoffs and wants to host a Formula 1 Grand Prix. Paul Kagame’s government sells its commitment to sport as a path to progress. Human rights organizations, however, maintain that the aim is to whitewash the regime’s abuses
The Miami artist, creator of the mural at the entrance of One World Trade Center, was in a coma for four months after a stroke caused by the coronavirus