The Strait of Gibraltar bunkers that Franco never used
Around 30,000 prisoners toiled in abject conditions to build 640 military stuctures from which the Nazis planned to attack the Rock, but which were ultimately abandoned
Around 30,000 prisoners toiled in abject conditions to build 640 military stuctures from which the Nazis planned to attack the Rock, but which were ultimately abandoned
A new study has revealed how discharges of the illicit substance are affecting brown trout in the rivers of the Czech Republic
Five regions are mulling the measure after contagions in care centers jumped eightfold in two weeks
Domenico Paviglianiti, known as ‘the boss of bosses’ in the 1980s, was leading a quiet life in the Spanish capital after two years on the run from Italian authorities
An anti-vaxxer inmate has sparked an outbreak in a prison in Gran Canaria, with 77 cases recorded, while 10 other penitentiaries have also reported upticks in infections
According to one study, the viral load of those infected with the strain first detected in India is up to 1,260 times greater than that of the original one