Extreme weather: Spain feels effects of “Beast from the East”
Polar front brings snow, rain and plummeting temperatures after pummeling central and western Europe
Polar front brings snow, rain and plummeting temperatures after pummeling central and western Europe
Spain and San Marino are only countries in 47-member organization not to have an equality watchdog
The alleged killer, 60-year-old Jordi Magentí, had been convicted 21 years ago for killing his ex-wife
The explosion of color can be seen across the countryside from mid-February to the middle of March
We have a romanticized image of happiness that simply doesn’t exist. We have to reclaim the right to have bad days
Spain’s plan to include language promotion in Marca España angers Hispanic academies
El Roto cartoon, February 27, 2018
Ros cartoon, February 27, 2018
Country needs 20,800 National Police and Civil Guard officers; deficit clearest in Catalan and Basque regions