
Donald Trump’s policy platform

Immigration is the main focus of the former president and Republican candidate’s agenda along with the promise of the largest deportation in American history

Alonso Martínez

Donald J. Trump served as president between 2017 and 2021. For his desired second term, his policy platform is focused on strengthening the economy, protecting national security and restoring the “American dream.” The New York-born businessman has advocated policies that reduce taxes, promote energy independence and foster economic growth through deregulation. Likewise, one of his pillars is border protection. He is proposing stricter measures against illegal immigration and strengthening national security through a policy of “peace through strength” aimed at reinforcing the United States’ influence in the world.

Trump has also emphasized protecting individual rights, including the right to bear arms and freedom of speech, fighting against what he calls “radical left-wing government.” In the social arena, he has shown his stance against abortion and gender identity policies in schools, proposing an education centered on traditional values. Through his “America First” vision, Trump seeks to return the country to what he sees as a position of world leadership and economic prosperity, while confronting challenges such as inflation, crime and globalization. Below are the Republican Party candidate’s initiatives.


The former president seeks to promote economic growth by supporting energy independence, reducing regulations and improving supply chains. Similarly, one of his main promises is to establish high tariffs of 10 to 20% on imported goods to promote economic growth. He also seeks to reduce inflation by controlling government spending and reducing the national debt. In addition, he supports deregulation to encourage investment and reduce energy costs. According to his agenda, job creation is a priority, with a focus on rebuilding America’s industrial base and promoting domestic manufacturing, especially in key defense industries. He also proposes improving competitiveness by cutting red tape, which would reform the permitting process and ensure that foreign policies prioritize the country’s economic interests.


Trump’s agenda includes cutting taxes for individuals and businesses. He proposes to reduce income tax rates, make permanent the tax cuts from his time in office and eliminate the inheritance tax to ease the financial burden on families and businesses. He also intends to simplify the tax code and provide more deductions and credits for families, especially those with children. On the other hand, his main goal is to keep taxes low to boost economic growth and empower American workers and businesses.


To address inflation, Trump plans to curb “excessive” government spending (as his campaign notes) and reform Federal Reserve policies to avoid prolonged inflation. His platform argues that energy independence and reduced dependence on foreign oil will help lower fuel prices, which will reduce overall inflation. He proposes increasing domestic production, especially in the energy and manufacturing sectors, which he asserts would stabilize prices and reduce inflationary pressures.

Foreign policy

On this point, Trump has indicated that he seeks “Peace through Strength” by rebuilding the military and strengthening alliances with other countries. He plans to invest in advanced military technologies, such as Israel’s “Iron Dome” missile defense shield, and support higher pay for the military. On the other hand, he seeks to counter China’s economic impact and states that he will seek peace in the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific, while rebuilding U.S. influence globally. In addition, he supports modernizing defense, restoring America’s status on the world stage and ensuring that U.S. foreign policy is aligned with national interests.

Gun control

The Republican agenda promotes Second Amendment rights and opposes efforts to limit gun ownership. The party and Trump advocate enforcing existing gun laws rather than creating new restrictions, and ensure that law-abiding citizens can protect themselves. The focus here would be on protecting constitutional rights while promoting safe gun ownership, without mentioning specific gun control measures.


On healthcare, Trump claims that healthcare costs can be reduced by promoting competition and consumer choice. He opposes government-run health programs, preferring to empower private marketplaces. Health care for veterans is a focus of the campaign and he proposes expanding access to health care options for veterans, holding Department of Veterans Affairs employees accountable, and protecting whistleblowers. Republicans also emphasize the importance of drug-free schools and access to health care through reforms rather than new government programs.


The Republican agenda is strongly pro-life, with an emphasis on an opposition to late-term abortions while supporting states’ rights to pass laws protecting unborn children. They also propose advancing policies that support prenatal care, birth control and access to fertility treatments. Trump has taken credit for the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, and argues that states should decide on abortion. Similarly, he has mentioned that he supports abortion in the case of rape, incest or when it is dangerous to mothers. He has also mentioned that he would veto a law banning abortion nationwide.


Trump seeks to reform the education system by eliminating “woke” ideologies such as Critical Race Theory and gender education in schools, focusing instead on core subjects such as reading, history, science and math. He plans to return control of education to the states by shutting down the Department of Education and increasing parental rights. Similarly, he seeks to promote patriotic education, which includes teaching Western civilization and America’s founding principles. His campaign also emphasizes school safety, with support for improved school security and stricter discipline standards for violent students.


One of Trump’s main campaign proposals is to “seal the border with Mexico” and carry out the largest deportation of immigrants in history. However, he has not detailed how this plan would be carried out. The candidate is committed to securing the U.S. border, continuing to build the border wall, and cracking down on drug and human trafficking cartels. He has proposed strict enforcement of immigration laws to reduce illegal immigration and opposes granting voting rights to undocumented immigrants. His agenda includes measures to prevent sanctuary cities, support law enforcement and ensure that American jobs are protected from illegal immigrants.


Trump’s platform seeks environmental conservation while ensuring energy independence through the use of natural resources such as oil and natural gas. It advocates for balanced conservation efforts that support economic growth without overly restricting business and highlights an interest in preserving national treasures and public architecture, thereby seeking for the United States to maintain a healthy balance between environmental preservation and economic development.

LGBT+ rights

Trump opposes public funding for sex change surgeries and seeks to protect women’s sports by keeping trans women out of women’s competitions. He also seeks to reverse President Biden’s Title IX regulations protecting gender identity and restore protections for women and girls. The Republican party opposes what they call “gender indoctrination” in schools and government policies that promote gender transitions.

Click below to compare the candidates' proposals regarding: the economy, taxes, inflation, foreign policy, gun control, healthcare, abortion, education, immigration, the environment and LGTBQ+ rights.

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