China warns Argentina’s Milei that breaking off relations would be a serious mistake
The Asian giant reminds the new president-elect that it is its second-largest trading partner and the first destination for its agricultural exports
The Asian giant reminds the new president-elect that it is its second-largest trading partner and the first destination for its agricultural exports
The company cuts the number of planned jobs by about one third to 1,700 from 2,500. The annual battery cell output will drop from enough for 400,000 vehicles per year to about 230,000
The Japanese government briefly issued a J-Alert missile warning for Okinawa, urging residents to take shelter inside buildings or underground
The ministers from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Indonesia chose to start in Beijing a tour to permanent members of the United Nations Security Council
Now that Chinese tourists are venturing abroad again after the pandemic, the new World of Frozen attraction is meant to be a game changer for a theme park that has run losses for years
The far-right economist wants to reduce the functions of state to a minimum and adopt a policy of ‘zero tolerance’ against crime
Their relationship is at times tense. Biden criticizes Mexico on topics such as fentanyl production and the killing of journalists and the Mexican president isn’t afraid to snub the U.S. leader
Beijing lodged a protest following the meeting between the leaders after the U.S. president maintained his Chinese counterpart is a ‘dictator’ in his press conference
The gesture came at the end of a day in which Xi and President Joe Biden held their first face to face meeting in a year and pledged to try to reduce tensions
The resolution, adopted after four frustrated attempts and with the abstention of Russia, the US and the United Kingdom, focuses on the protection of children
The presidents of China and the United States discuss Taiwan, Israel-Hamas war, climate change, and technological competition
The vote was 12-0 with the United States, United Kingdom and Russia abstaining. The final draft watered down language from a ‘demand’ to a ‘call’ for humanitarian pauses
A research by the Financial Transparency Coalition also accuses vessels from Russia, Spain, Thailand, Taiwan and South Korea of mistreatment of fishers
The leaders of the United States and China will meet in San Francisco with the aim of stabilizing relations. The fight against fentanyl trafficking is also on the agenda
IMF and ECB believe that corporate moves from nations like China and Russia are inevitable to reduce geopolitical risks, but warn of the costs
The forum has limited scope. It is centered on trade and the economy. There is no military component and it wasn’t forged by a world-altering event like a war
The technological revolution and the shift in global relations are key factors in the destabilization of the planet. Our times are marked by new, devastating wars and dangerous power struggles
Mexico is the second-biggest market for Chinese-made cars after Russia. The intention of Beijing-based companies to open assembly plants in the Latin American country has alarmed legislators in the United States
The global economy is expected to grow a lackluster 3% this year and 2.9% in 2024, according to the International Monetary Fund
Protests are expected throughout this week’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders’ conference, which could draw more than 20,000 attendees, including hundreds of international journalists
Each leader has clear objectives for the highly anticipated talks Wednesday on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit
These new online retail apps have been fast-tracking their way with all kinds of promotions and big discounts, basing their strategy on significant incentives to buy
China has steadfastly stood by its claim to virtually the entire South China Sea, clashing with its smaller neighbors and drawing in the United States
The two have no shortage of difficult issues to address in their first engagement in nearly a year. They will meet on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco
The Democratic president wanted to show that his policies could deliver for workers, rather than repeat the decades of factory closures that had gutted parts of the Midwest
Spanish scientist Miguel Angel Esteban has joined forces with Chinese researchers to create a primate that has two thirds of its cells from another monkey embryo and could help with research on human disease, such as Alzheimer’s
The White House is not expecting major changes to the relationship between the two nations, according to a person familiar with the planning, although it hopes to see some signs of progress