
#MostRead of 2019: A rundown of our readers’ favorite features, part 2

From the battle to legalize cannabis in Spain, to the creation of a human-monkey chimera in China, we revisit the most popular stories we published this year

The Carbón and Chicre beaches in Cabo de Gata, Níjar (Almería).
The Carbón and Chicre beaches in Cabo de Gata, Níjar (Almería).JOSÉ ARCOS AGUILAR (GETTY)

It’s been another fantastic year at the EL PAÍS English Edition, with more readers than ever before checking out our stories, and the United States topping the list for the second year running in terms of where we see the highest web traffic.

There’s been no end of great material from the Spanish edition of the paper for us to run in English, and as always our team have enjoyed every minute of bringing our readers Spanish news and features from EL PAÍS.

We also launched our #QuePodcast this year, which has given English Edition editor Simon Hunter and his colleague Melissa Kitson hours of fun behind the microphone.

Thanks to all of our readers and followers on Twitter and Facebook for all of your support as always.

Here, if you missed them, are the most-read features we ran this year, from 10 to 1. If you didn’t see it already, click here to check out the article featuring 20 to 11.

10. Do Spaniards have an inferiority complex? Here’s what foreigners have to say about it

Germans, Argentines, Norwegians, Americans and Brits all weigh in on what truly makes Spanish people unique.

1. 12 great nudist beaches in Spain

Discover the most inviting coves to strip off on, from Cabo de Gata in Almeria to Son Real in Mallorca.

9. Spaniard “horrified” after causing 130 flight cancellations at Munich airport

One of Germany’s busiest hubs was partially shut down this year while police searched for a stray passenger, who had walked through an emergency door by mistake.

8. Zipcode check: Which are Spain’s richest and poorest areas?

This interactive calculator lets you find out the average salary in your vicinity, based on 2016 figures from the Tax Agency.

7. Thinking of buying a deserted village in Spain? Hurry, prices are going up

Spaniards have been entering a market that has been traditionally dominated by Belgian, British and French buyers.

6. The battle to legalize cannabis in Spain

The country has some of the world’s most active research teams looking into the drug, but marijuana is still illegal for medicinal and recreational purposes. The value of the global industry is set to grow to around €50 billion – is there a risk that Spanish players could miss out?

5. Spanish scientists create human-monkey chimera in China

The team led by Juan Carlos Izpisúa injected stem cells into the animal embryos as part of research aimed at finding a way to grow organs for transplants.

4. The life of Julian Assange, according to the Spaniards who watched over him

Between 2012 and 2017, a security company from Cádiz was in charge of protecting the most uncomfortable house guest in the world while he was confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

3. Madonna’s farewell from Portugal turns sour over row involving a horse

The pop icon could not get permission to allow the animal inside a 19th-century palace for a music video shoot, and accused the Portuguese of being ungrateful.

2. Neymar makes cameo in Netflix hit ‘Money Heist’ after rape case dropped

The Brazilian soccer star features as a monk in scenes that had been previously left out of episodes six and eight of the hugely popular show.

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