News reporter attacked at Barcelona independence march

A journalist from the TV network Telecinco was hit in the head with an object while trying to cover the second anniversary of the 2017 sovereignty referendum

This Telecinco reporter was forced to find a different location.Video: ALGONSO L. CONGOSTRINA

A reporter from the Spanish television network Telecinco was attacked in Barcelona on Tuesday evening after being targeted by a group of demonstrators at a march to observe the second anniversary of the unauthorized independence referendum of October 1, 2017.

While she was waiting for the signal to go live, the journalist was hit on the head by a liquid-filled container hurled at her by protesters outside Jaume Balmes school, on the corner of Consejo de Ciento and Pau Claris streets.

Some demonstrators screamed at her to go away, while others offered her paper towels to dry herself off

Some demonstrators screamed at her to go away, while someone offered her paper towels to dry herself off. A few marchers claimed that the journalist’s presence was “a provocation,” but other pro-independence demonstrators upbraided them for their attitude. Finding herself surrounded by a screaming crowd, the reporter finally changed locations in order to carry on with her work.

The march attracted around 18,000 people, according to the local police force. No other incidents were reported.

Earlier on Tuesday, Catalan premier Quim Torra and his deputy Pere Aragonès had delivered a speech underscoring their desire to keep advancing towards a Catalan republic “peacefully and democratically.” The message came a week after seven independence activists were arrested and held without bail on terrorism charges.

English version by Susana Urra.

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