
As it happened: Catalonia independence declaration, latest news

Catch up on our live blog of events from Monday, which saw the government reject Catalan premier’s response to request, and Mossos chief escape prison without bail

Catalan regional premier Carles Puigdemont, pictured on Sunday.
Catalan regional premier Carles Puigdemont, pictured on Sunday.Manu Fernandez (AP)

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The Catalan premier, Carles Puigdemont, has failed to clarify whether or not he declared independence at a plenary session of the regional parliament last Tuesday.

Following a deliberately ambiguous statement that declared secession, then immediately placed it on hold, the central government had formally asked the Catalan leader to clarify his position within the space of five days, or face a partial suspension of home rule through the use of an obscure constitutional provision known as Article 155.

Puigdemont insists that he is offering Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy “a sincere dialogue”

The deadline ended Monday morning. But in a letter to Madrid whose contents have been revealed by the Catalan radio stations Catalunya Ràdio and RAC1, Puigdemont fails to answer the question clearly.

The radical far-left CUP party that is supporting Puigdemont’s minority government made a formal request late last week demanding “the proclamation of the republic.” Their letter stated that this is the only way for Catalonia to be seriously recognized in the event of an international mediation.

Meanwhile, High Court Judge Carmen Lamela had to decide whether or not to grant the request of the public prosecutor to hold the chief of the Catalan police force, Josep Lluís Trapero, in prison without bail. Trapero appeared in Spain's High Court in Madrid today for the second time, on charges of sedition.

At around 6.20pm, news broke that Trapero would not have to be held in custody, and was released under precautionary measures.

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