
Fastest run of San Fermín 2017 at closing Running of the Bulls

Animals from the Miura ranch barrelled through streets of Pamplona in two minutes and 10 seconds

The eighth Running of the Bulls.
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Day eight of the Running of the Bulls (Spanish captions)

Bulls from the legendary Miura ranch featured in the last Running of the Bulls in Pamplona on Friday. The encierro, or bull run, set this year’s speed record at two minutes and 10 seconds.

Although there were no gorings, there was a spectacular pile-up on a curve along the Telefónica stretch of the course, where several animals brushed the side fence as they thundered by, crashing into runners and even plucking one of them off the fence as they passed by. This particular runner then bounced off the back of a bull and fell hard on the cobble-stoned pavement.

The wooden fence where runners were caught by the charging bulls on Friday.
The wooden fence where runners were caught by the charging bulls on Friday.Daniel Fernandez (EFE)

Medical reports indicated that six people were taken to hospital for a variety of conditions, including concussion, a broken arm, back injuries, cuts and bruises. One individual was pushed face-first into a wooden post and taken to hospital with a deep gash to his forehead.

The Miura stockbreeder, based in Seville, has been present at the run for over 50 years. Since 1910, 16 people have lost their lives at the encierros.

English version by Susana Urra.

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