Drunk driver with no license mistakes police station for public parking lot

The 38-year-old from Pamplona is facing charges, including refusing to take a breath test

Video footage of the driver trying to access the police garage.Photo: atlas | Video: ATLAS

A 38-year-old man who was driving without a license and under the influence of alcohol found himself in hot water in the northern Spanish city of Pamplona, after mistakenly driving into a garage belonging to the municipal police force in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The officers on the scene initially thought that the vehicle was occupied by an undercover colleague, but soon realized that the car did not belong to the force.

The man excused himself by explaining that he thought the building was a public parking lot. The driver, who was in such a state that his passenger had to move the car, is now facing charges for drunk driving, driving without a license, and refusing to take a breathalyzer test.

On Wednesday he will have to appear in court.

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