
A commitment to higher education

Spanish universities are still not faring well on international rankings. The government must take action

A lecture at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.Carles Ribas

Appearing on the Shanghai Ranking, which lists the 500 best universities in the world, is not such great news if none of the Spanish contenders are among the top 150. The University of Barcelona is the first on the list, coming in the 150-200 range. The Madrid Autonomous University and Granada University appear between the 200 and 300 spots, with yet more falling below the 300-mark. This is bad news for a country that year after year has been able to build excellent infrastructure and design an enviable public health system, and yet fails time and again when it comes to education and the university system.

The cuts that have been imposed on university education will continue to have an effect over the coming years if there is no grand political pact

What’s more, Spain’s universities have held on to their places in the ranking thanks to the contributions of students’ families, who now have to account for 60% of the costs of studies in regions such as Madrid and Catalonia. The national and regional governments have not been able to respond to the challenges currently faced by universities after the economic crisis, with the sector yet to be freed from the effect of slashed budgets and in need of promotion as the engine of the economy. The cuts that have been imposed on university education, like those related to research and development, will continue to have an effect over the coming years if there is no grand political pact forthcoming between the parties aimed at introducing the changes that are required.

While Spain has managed to shine in other areas, such as sport, it is yet to make training and education one of its urgent priorities. Once these reforms are put in place, Spain’s universities should start to rise on the international ranking lists, and not fall, as has been the case in recent years.

English version by Simon Hunter.

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