Police arrest reckless driver who streamed videos on Periscope

Madrid youth offered live coverage of his speeding feats, and is seen taking drugs behind the wheel

Footage created by the suspect on Periscope.

A reckless driver was arrested by Spanish police after he streamed live video coverage of himself speeding, forcing other cars off the road and taking drugs behind the wheel.

The young man, a resident of Rivas-Vaciamadrid (southeast of the capital), used the streaming video application Periscope to share his feats with the world on Twitter.

This is the first arrest in Spain involving crimes committed over the popular app.

The arrest was made possible through citizen cooperation. Several people sent in an alert to the National Police’s Twitter account, @policia, warning about a driver who was making videos of himself in dangerous situations.

The suspect was using his cellphone as he drove, making recordings that sometimes exceeded 15 minutes. In one video, as many as four vehicles were forced to veer off the lane to avoid a crash.

The driver occasionally reached speeds of 200km/h on intercity roads, and showed himself taking drugs right before getting behind the wheel. He was identified and located by the police’s technology investigation department.

English version by Susana Urra.

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