
Two participants die at Castellón weekend marathon

One man collapsed mid-race while the other one managed to make it back to his hotel

Runners in the Castellón marathon.
Runners in the Castellón marathon.ORGANIZACIÓN MARATÓN OJOS NEGROS

Two runners died on Sunday after taking part in a marathon held in the Valencian province of Castellón.

The first victim collapsed in mid-race, somewhere between the starting point in Barracas and the finish line in Navajas.

Francisco Amat, 57, was taken by ambulance to Sagunto hospital but died en route. He was a resident of Alicante.

A second man, aged 45, died after returning to his hotel following the race. Emergency health workers called in to assist him could not save his life. He was reported as living outside Barcelona.

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The Vía Verde de Ojos Negros marathon was holding its second edition this year. Besides the full 42-kilometer course, there are two easier categories covering 21km and 10km each.

The course crosses a few municipalities but mostly takes place in natural surroundings over very uneven and sloping terrain.

In November of last year, a 24-year-old man died after crossing the finish line of the Benidorm marathon, in Alicante province.

English version by Susana Urra.

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