Vast majority of Spaniards want to see Popular Party revamped — poll

Voters also hoping PP and Podemos will back PSOE-Ciudadanos deal, new survey finds

Rajoy during a meeting of the Popular Party National Executive Committee on Monday.ULY MARTÍN

More than two months into the political stalemate produced by December’s inconclusive general election, half of Spanish voters now believe the ruling conservative Popular Party (PP) and the left-wing Podemos should support­ the efforts of Socialist Party (PSOE) leader Pedro Sánchez to form a government with the center-right Ciudadanos grouping, according to a new opinion poll.

The Metroscopia survey comes the day after Sánchez announced a pact with Ciudadanos leader Albert Rivera. Between them, the two parties have 130 seats in the 350-seat Congress and would need the Popular Party, which has 123 seats, and Podemos, with 65 deputies, to either support them or at least abstain at the crucial investiture session that begins March 1. 

According to the survey, 50% of voters believe that the PP should back the Socialist-Ciudadanos initiative, while 52% want Podemos to do the same.

Significantly, it is Podemos and PP supporters themselves who want their parties to back Sánchez and Rivera

Furthermore, eight out of 10 Spaniards also say that the PP’s leader, Mariano Rajoy, ought to stand down.

Voters’ views on the PP have hardened over the last two months as yet more corruption in its ranks has been uncovered: 90 percent of Spaniards believe graft is endemic in the party and that a roots and branch cleanup is required.

Significantly, it is Podemos and PP supporters themselves who want their respective parties to back Sánchez and Rivera.

In the case of Podemos voters, 56% want the party led by Pablo Iglesias created in 2014 to throw its weight behind created a new government.

If no new government can be formed, the country will have to go to the polls again on June 26.

Albert Rivera’s efforts to seek consensus over the last two months has seen his approval rating rise by nine points to 37 points since February 2.

But Sánchez remains unpopular, with an approval rating of minus eight points, while Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias is even less liked by voters, with a negative score of 20 points. Mariano Rajoy comes in last with a negative rating of 39 points.

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