
Frenchman dies after being gored by bull at Alicante fiestas

Organizers of celebrations in town of Pedreguer cancel other events as mark of respect

A 44-year-old Frenchman has died after being gored by a bull during fiestas in the Alicante town of Pedreguer.

The incident occurred at around 1am Tuesday when one of the animals involved in the Bous de Pedreguer bull-running event charged and gored the man, who was there with some friends.

The doctors who treated him were able to do no more than confirm his death, said sources

The doctors who treated the man, who has so far only been identified by the initials L. O., were unable to help the man, and soon confirmed his death, according to sources. Other bull-related events scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday were “immediately canceled” as a mark of respect, they added.

The municipal government of the town of 7,438 inhabitants has expressed its “support and condolences” to the man’s family and friends and reminded revelers of the importance of participating in events in a “responsible” manner and “in accordance with safety regulations.”

More information
Man gored to death by bull during Midsummer celebrations
Photojournalist gored at controversial Toro de la Vega bull hunt
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